Are you waiting for the right time to…
Run your own business?
Retrain and do what you love?
Have a baby?
Get healthy?
Join the gym?
Run a marathon?
Start juicing?
Leave something or someone who sucks your soul?
Go to that ashram in India?
Are you waiting til…
You have the money?
The kids are older?
The mortgage is paid off?
You’ve lost 10kgs?
You are less busy?
Things are a bit less “full on”?
I’ll let you into a secret!
When it comes to making effective and lasting change in your life on something you really care about
(like your health and happiness, or following your passion)
There is only ever a succession of NOW’s,
NOW is where your POWER lives.
Stop deferring,
Stop stalling,
The RIGHT TIME to start doing the RIGHT THING for yourself is RIGHT NOW.
What’s one small positive step you can take TODAY?
Take one teeny tiny step forwards in the DIRECTION YOU WANT TO GO,
The DIRECTION is much more important than the SIZE OF THE STEP.
Could you…
Spend 10 minutes researching that training course you fancy?
Make one phone call to someone who could help you?
Put your trainers on and go for a walk, RIGHT NOW, just for TEN minutes?
Make the NEXT meal a healthy one, just the NEXT meal, the NEXT thing you put in your mouth?
Unfollow three “influencers” who make you feel like crap , done done done
Get the juicer out and put it on the kitchen bench
Say no with a polite thank you but no to that outstanding invite/ask
Take 2 minutes to book that yoga class / physio appointment you have been meaning to?
Take a walk with a friend and talk through seriously making that big move to leave your job/partner/situation that you know isn’t serving you?
Spread some sunshine and compliment someone (your teen/ your colleague) for a job well done?
The time is NOW
The DIRECTION is much more important than the SIZE OF THE STEP.
Take one teeny tiny step forwards in the DIRECTION YOU WANT TO GO.
Let me know what step YOU will be taking….