Here’s the thing about wellbeing. People put it off. And off and off.

If you have ever failed to follow through with a new healthy habit you were initially really excited about…this one is for you!

Here’s the thing about wellbeing. People put it off. And off and off.

It’s the thing that comes at the end of the To Do’s that we will take care of “when we have more time.”

Brutal Heads Up: you are never going to get “more time”.

In fact, today is the MOST time you are ever going to have.

You will NEVER be younger, or have more minutes, hours, days and years to spend on the planet effecting change internally or externally than you do this very day.

TODAY is the day when you have the most time.

Whatever it is you WANT that you know would enhance your life and wellbeing:

Be it doing “Couch to 5K”.

Or knocking sugar on the head for good this time.

Or speaking kindly to yourself in the mirror.

Or setting clear and fair boundaries around the division of housework in your home

Or going to your gym class 3x a week as a non-negotiable.

Or drinking your hot water and lemon each morning.

Or whatever the hell it is that you want and intend for yourself.

That you KNOW will do you good – in terms of physical, mental or emotional health…

You will NEVER have more time to implement it.

And get started on that chain of good habits, one day at a time.

THAN you do TODAY.

And that, my friends, is a fact.

Whatever you want in terms of prioritising and nourishing your mind, body and soul – it all comes from ONE firm commitment to start.

And the best day for that is undoubtedly today.

Not when you “have more time.”

YOU will NEVER get MORE time.

You are the youngest you will ever be – TODAY

Take that decision to make a positive step (that you want to take!) towards taking care of your wellness today.

Begin now.

One Day…or Day One?

You decide.


P.S. Want to check out what Personal Growth by choice looks like? Take a peek at my Coaching Academy here

Elevate your REAL self-care with ONE smart decision TODAY.

You can get my book “101 Self Care Ideas that are not “drink more water or have another damn bubble bath” for just $17 (instead of $29) today.

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