In the era where the To Do list is King (Queen?
) it’s all to easy to DEFER OUR HAPPINESS to:
* when we are “on top of things”
* when life is “less full on”
* when “things calm down a bit”
It is 2022.
Life is FAST.
This time will NEVER COME!
Happiness is only accessible in the present moment.
It lives NOW. We have to grab it, plan for it, relish it TODAY.
Yes, big things count like family celebrations and going off on your holibobs, but don’t discount injecting more MICRO-MOMENTS of happiness into right now…
* Appreciating your partner/BFF/colleague with a kind word or message
* Playing a practical joke on the kids – deliberately create laughter and connection
* Fussing the cat or dog – they live in the moment naturally
* Taking a moment BEFORE you start the next thing to reflect on a job well done
* Feeling happy about just how cute your hair/shoes/cardi look today
Make space for happy amid the whirl of doing.
Micro-moments of happy.
They all add up.
And honestly, if we can’t do that, what is the point of all that we strive for?