Close Some Doors

I have a challenge for you today.iStock_000044215808_Medium

I want you to have MORE of what you want in your life.

Whatever that may be.

More love. More friendship. More health. More fun. More ease. More abundance. More challenge.

Whatever it is you want – it’s more than okay to want it – but it’s even better to actually GET IT.

Often however we can find that we are “ticking along” in a bit of a rut – at home, at work, in our relationships, in our living space, our body and health.

We will often put this lack of progress down to “not enough time” or “too busy”. Which actually just keeps us stuck.

An often overlooked reason we get stuck is because it’s deceptively easy to end up with so many open doors in our life that our energy, time and attention is dissipated all over the place – leaving no time to progress the new areas we want to grow.

There is only so much time, energy and attention to go round.

So to get more of what you want I want you to CLOSE SOME DOORS TODAY.

I want you to close some doors so that you can make space for some new stuff in your life, that serves you and that takes you where you want to go.

Close the door on a relationship that is no longer serving you.

Close the door on an obligation that you wish you had never agreed to.

Close the door on looking in the mirror and hating on yourself.

Close the door on going the extra mile for someone or something where there is no reciprocity and you feel resentful.

Close the door on something that was once important but it’s time, for you, is done.

Close some doors.

By doing this you will open up the space for what you NOW want in your life to enter.

You will have the time, energy and focus to move past “ticking along’ and to actively focus on improving your hearts desire.

If you want more love. More friendship. More health. More fun. More ease. More abundance. More challenge. You need to make SPACE for it.

Space in your head. Your life. Your heart. Your diary.

Make space for the good stuff.

Close some doors today. You know which ones.

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