The joy and complexity of Mother’s Day πŸ’

Mother’s Day is a beautiful day for many (hurrah! πŸ’›), but a day of mixed emotions for many more. It can be a day where awareness of an empty chair hits harder than most. When the gap between what is wanted and what is, is thrown into the sharpest relief. When, simply, life feels unfair.

I think we are a lot more aware these days that Mother’s Day does not look like breakfast in bed on a tray with a hand-drawn card and loving partner supervising, like it does in the movies. Life in 2024 is much more aware and compassionate (thank goodness!), but days like this can still sting.

This sting is a natural response to complexity around this primary human relationship; whatever you feel is valid and important to acknowledge, even if that is just a moment of quiet honesty with yourself πŸ’›

Image credit: Bless the Messy


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