STOP apologising!

Today, I’m calling time on saying sorry for sh*t we don’t need to apologise for.

Have you noticed how much (especially as women) we tend to over-apologise and say sorry when it’s not actually required?! It’s a weird habit, and one worth revising. Things I am no longer apologising for:

🦋 Not always being available (time, attention and energy are limited, it’s not personal, it’s just freaking MATHS)

💥 Prioritising the things that matter (to ME)

🦋 Not giving an answer right away (it’s ok to think about it)

💥  Working at the pace that’s right for me on voluntary projects (it needs to fit in with my life, not the other way round!)

🦋 When it’s not actually MY FAULT there is an issue! (why the hell am I saying sorry – YOU say sorry!)

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