When is a Comfort Zone not a Comfort Zone, at all?
Sometimes it’s time for change and – however exciting and freeing that feeling is – when you get the offer of the new role, now job, new training, new industry – as one of my favourite sparklicious clients did below – however right it is for you to make a change – that change is still going to come with a dose of fear or anxiety – even if it’s TOTALLY for your highest good.
This women I adore told me she was considering staying put rather then taking the new role she was excited by in a very cool company and industry, because at least her old role was in her Comfort Zone.
Comfort Zone, eh? That old chestnut!
Here’s the thing:
She had been wrestling with an unrealistically high and sustained super pressured workload, an entirely unsympathetic boss, continual restructures, working kerazeee hours that involved pretty much most weekends, persistent undermining from colleagues and various other challenging elements – every single day – for YEEEEEARS.
Honestly – how “comfortable” does that actually sound?!
Here’s the thing:
Just because you know one toxic environment really well does not make it a “comfort zone”.
It’s just a zone that’s bad for you that you are really familiar with coping with and battling with.
That sure as &%$(&% is not a definition of comfort in my book.
Don’t kid yourself, people.
Be brave.
Don’t support toxic employers with your presence and your graft.
Make a change that supports your health, happiness, and your life.
Don’t confuse comfort with familiarity.
When is a Comfort Zone not a Comfort Zone?
Choose accordingly.