I have a yoga principle for you today – that is also, in my opinion, a life principle.
In yoga teaching land we say “Work to your edge”.
Sounds very cool.
But…when I first started yoga waaaayyyy back many moons ago, and the teacher encouragingly whispered “Work to your edge, Louise” to me the first time, I thought… “edge of what, lady?!” I didn’t know what she was on about.
I later found out that “Working to your edge” means to take it to your “comfortable maximum”.
Basically, this is the place at the top of your body’s ability.
The edge of challenge and failure.
The place where if you worked any less you’d be slacking, any more and you’d fall on your ass or hurt yourself.
It’s a fine line, your edge.
I like to say it is “Dancing on the edge of discomfort”
And here’s the important thing to know…
The edge of discomfort IS WHERE WE GROW.
That is where we find just how much we can expand our heart, our skills, our capacity, our LIFE.
The place where we are challenged, scared we will fall on our ass, fail, or fly.
Our edge for growth right now may be in business (do I try for that promotion? Start my own business?) in love (do I get vulnerable? Do I ask him/her out?) or in our body (do I take that crossfit class? Sign up to that race?).
In order to have a rounded, and expansive life we are touching our edge in all directions…
(when we are not, and we are too long in the comfort zone…that’s being “stuck in a rut”).
Taking it to the edge – THAT, my friends, is how we grow as humans.
(It is also what every module of Wellbeing Warriors is cleverly crafted to do).
To help you, in a safe, structured way, dance on the edge of your discomfort.
So, you can expand your self-awareness and skills and grow into the next level of yourself,
To take you to experiencing your edge in a way you know you will not fall.
Growth – in any area of life – does not happen in your comfort zone,
It happens on your edge.
So – today, my friend, find a way to test where the edge of your comfort zone lies.
Find that place between failing and flying.
And reach a little further,
Dancing on the edge is where all the good stuff is to be found.
You’ve got this.