Are you Wired Tired or Inspired Tired?

This week’s wellbeing post is inspired by this weeks sessions with two of my amazing clients who are recovering nicely from their Adrenal Fatigue as we work together. As their energy (and consequently their lives) are coming back it brought up a fascinating distinction that I wanted to share with you that applies to us all, every single day. In a nutshell I believe here are two types of tiredness we can experience: Inspired Tired and Wired Tired.

Inspired Tired is the warm achey tired you feel after making time for yourself to have a run or a swim.

Inspired Tired is falling asleep on the sofa after a hard game of tennis or playing with the kids.

Inspired Tired is that glowy tiredness you feel after a day on the water.

Inspired Tired is that satisfied weariness you get after giving that presentation or completing a project dear to your heart.

Inspired Tired is how I feel after back to back coaching sessions: it’s such intense one on one work it takes my fullest concentration, but I am thrilled and energized by my clients amazing progress.

Inspired Tired is how you feel after staying up way late talking with great friends.

Inspired Tired is the deep relaxation you feel at the end of your yoga class.

Inspired Tired is taking on a new project that you are so excited about you literally can’t sleep.

Inspired Tired is walking in a new city in a new continent taking in the new sights, sounds, smells after an 18 hour flight.

Inspired Tired is relishing a quiet moment with your newborn sleeping soundly.

Inspired Tired is an achey brain from the challenge of learning something new.

Inspired Tired is GOOD. Inspired Tired moves us towards our destiny. Inspired Tired is what brings us joy. Inspired Tired is what keeps our body healthy whilst nourishing our body and soul. Inspired Tired is how we make a difference in this world.

Wired Tired is the eye watering tiredness you feel as you feel the dread grow in your stomach as you drive to a job you hate.

Wired Tired is the tiredness you feel when you need, must have need, a triple shot latte just to get you through that next meeting.

Wired Tired is making that effort to network and socialize with people you feel you ‘have to’ impress.


Wired Tired is forcing yourself to a spin class you don’t really enjoy to punish your body for how much it weighs.

Wired Tired is checking your work email compulsively out of hours.

Wired Tired is staying late at work for the 4th time this week, because ‘the business’ needs come before your own.

Wired Tired is being exhausted but unable to sleep because your brain is so busy worrying about stuff.

Wired Tired is reaching for the wine as a pick me up not as a pleasure to be savoured.

Wired Tired is saying yes when you mean hell no.

Wired Tired is trying to do it all. Wired Tired shows you are out of balance. Wired Tired is bad for your body and your soul. Wired Tired moves you away from your destiny. Wired Tired says it’s time to reassess where you choose to spend your time and energy.


We are so quick to moan about being tired, I do it myself, a lot! What I am realising though is: being tired is actually one of life’s great privileges not something to be down about. It’s great to be tired. Being tired lets you know you are alive! Being tired is awesome, we just need to choose the right sort of tired: we can be defeated with Wired Tired or fill life to the brim with Inspired Tired. Let’s change our perpective and embrace exhaustion!

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