Start your day with purpose

A Dozen Ways To Start Your Day With Purpose. Part 1

Up the Anti On Your Morning Routine – Part 1

Continually hitting the snooze button? I hear ya.

It can be harder to get up when it’s dark in the morning, but a good morning routine that nourishes you in mind, body and soul can kick start your day in a great way. So right now is a great opportunity to revise your morning rituals and start your day with a spring in your step.

The better you start your day the better your day goes.

Here is a 3 part series for you packed with a dozen ideas for you to cherry pick into your morning routine to start your day with purpose.

1. Don’t reach for your phone first

It’s so tempting to reach for technology before anything else. A massive percentage of people start their day by checking Facebook, emails and the news whilst still in bed. This is not the greatest start to your day as it sends your energy in multiple different directions before your feet have even hit the floor. Dissipating our focus before we have even started the day puts us into other peoples agenda’s before we have eve set our own. Keeping your mental energy space clear with no tech for at least the first 10 minutes of the day allows you to get your head into what you need from the day before you start worrying about responding to that tricky email or comparing to someone else’s perfect Instagram life.

2. Make your bed

There is a lovely phrase that goes “Messy Head: Messy Bed”. It’s so true. Much inner pace can be found through the reflection of outer order. Taking 1 minute to pull back the covers and plump a pillow creates a small but powerful sense of control and order at the top of the day. That small symbolic act of controlling your environment at the start of the morning is a powerful signal to yourself that you would like the rest of your day to proceed in an orderly fashion.

3. Start Fresh

A brand new morning is always the chance to start over. We get presented with it every single day. New Years resolutions need not wait for January to roll round, and an intention to eat right or treat our body well need not wait for an arbitrary Monday morning. If you have something you want to achieve then simply BEGIN. This morning is as good a morning as any other. Harness the clean sheet that the morning brings, recommit to yourself and choose in favour of what you want most.

4. Anchor a habit to teeth cleaning

This is an effortless, healthy habit that we all possess.  As a morning ritual cleaning our teeth is as solid as it comes. It provides the perfect opportunity to use that “no matter what” lifetime habit to a new habit you are keen to start. So perhaps you might want to do squats whilst you clean your teeth – that’s a few minutes of squats effortlessly nailed each morning. Or you might want to use that time to mentally create a gratitude practice or affirmation repetition or some other habit you have been looking to create. Use that dedicated and non-negotiable teeth cleaning time to anchor in a new health habit with ease.

Part 2 coming soon …

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